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Unapproved and Borrowed Costumes
Membership in the 501st and Rebel Legions is a privilege that we each earn by building costumes to Legion standards. To allow ongoing or excessive wearing of unapproved costumes undermines and disrespects every member who has gone through the necessary steps to have their costume approved. We know that there are some circumstances when unapproved costumes might be worn, and we’ve detailed our guidelines for these situations below.
Borrowed Approved Costumes
Adult Non-Members (i.e. friends that want to try it out)
Only with approval from CO and Event Coordinator. Limited to 3 events per person (not per costume). If someone starts work and becomes pending, those 3 count towards their 6 event limit for pending members.
Pending Members
Only with approval from CO and Event Coordinator. Limited to 6 events per person (not per costume).
Active Members
Only with approval from CO and Event Coordinator. No limit, but member must be active and in good standing.
“New Movie” Costumes Without CRLs
The upcoming release of new Star Wars movies over the next several years, combined with unprecedented access to high quality reference images and/or actual displays of screen-used costumes ahead of the movies’ release dates, present a new situation for us to consider. To help build excitement for our common love of Star Wars, we think it’s important to define a place in our ranks for costumes from the new movies before official CRLs are developed and the costumes are approved.
Active members only
All costumes must go through the temporary local approval process detailed below. Then, locally approved costumes may be worn at any event with approval from CO and Event Coordinator. No limit, but member must be active and in good standing. Troops in these costumes will not count for census/legion active status purposes. Once a CRL is published for the costume, the costume must be submitted and approved before it is worn again.
Temporary local approval process
Until CRLs are published, the combined full admin teams of both CCG and KB will use the guidelines above combined with what we know to be standards of both legions to temporarily approve new movie costumes for local troops. This will give the trooper full credit for our local rankings and approval to sign up for local troops. Admin team members will not evaluate their own costumes.
For a current list of new movie local-approvable costumes, refer to the forums.
Unapproved Costumes that have CRLs/Standards
Pending and Active Members
Informal events only with approval from CO and Event Lead. Limited to 3 events per costume or 6 months, whichever comes first.