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RL Submission and Approval Process

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You’ll get emails from the RL when a new costume is submitted and throughout the process as the costume is assigned to a judge and the judge communicates any changes that need to be made. 

You can get in touch with the new applicant at this point if you think it would be beneficial. It might be good to establish contact and make sure they have an account set up on the CCG forum, too, as it’s not uncommon to have folks who are only signed up on the RL forum when they’re brand new.

Costume is Approved – Brand New Member

After a costume is approved: 

  1. Send a welcome message to the member. Sample below.
  2. Update the New Member thread on the forum. 
  3. Post on FB?

Costume is Approved – Existing SWO Member

After a costume is approved: 

  1. Update the New Member thread on the forum. 
  2. Post on FB?

Costume is Not Approved