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Overview: GML Process for CCG
- Member submits pictures via the forum to GML: Front, Back, Left, Right, Action Pose, Bucket Off
- If costume is approved, GML places action shot and bucket off picture into the google drive folder, and gives GWLs heads up that member is good to go.
- GML updates new costume/member thread, shoots GWL a message.
- GML notifies the member that they are approved.
- GWL creates roster image, uploads to 501st site.
- GWL places completed pics into the “Website”, “Social Media”, “Completed – 501st” folders in google drive for GWM for upload to CCG website and Social Media team for posting. Shoots the GWM/SM people a heads up.
- GWM and Social Media posts/uploads pictures then removes the pictures from their respective folders when done.