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Event Posting Checklist
Database Steps
- Click the event from the main event list in the database (
- Click the Edit Event / Planning Details button.
- Check for and fix any spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense (especially in the Request Summary and Anything Else fields).
- Click Create Forum Post button.
Forum Steps
- Click the Modify link at the top right of the original post.
- Read through and fix anything that is missing or wonky.
- Edit the Time section to include: Event: TIME/Arrive: TIME/In Costume: TIME
- Extra credit: Add a link to a map of the location.
- Save.
- At the bottom of your new topic, click the [Add Tag] link.
- Type nosignups, [areaname] and then click [Add Tag] – note that tags are all lowercase, all one word, and separated by a comma. Type the area name exactly as it appears in the list below. Refer to the area map for a visual of where the lines are drawn.
Google Steps
- Go to Google Calendar using Star Wars Oregon account.
- Create a new calendar event.
- Include the event title, location (exact if public event, just the city if private event), and in the body, just paste a link to the forum topic.
- Unclick all boxes under list to send to and type SWO in list and it will compile the list. Click save and yes to send to list.
- In Gmail, reply to the host.
- Label your email and move it to your folder.
- 6. Copy the information to the Google Calendar for Title, Location, and in the description, add the link for the event on the forum. Unclick all boxes under list to send to and type SWO in list and it will compile the list. Hit save and yes to send to list.
- 7. Reply to the host (there are template in Gmail)
- 8. Label your email and move to your folder.
- 9. As people sign up add their NAME (FORUM NAME) – COSTUME
- 10. Watch for emails in the inbox with your name tagged as sometimes the host ask how things are looking very early. A good line to tell them if there isn’t any/not many signups yet: Many of our volunteers sign up closer to the event as they know their schedules better by then.
- 11. About a week before, update the host (email template in gmail). Make sure the troopers have the details for parking and/or arriving to the event. Just under the time of the event on the forum post Add *Upon arrival – DETAILS* (in red so it stands out)
Event Areas
- swwashington = Anything in our area of Washington
- portland = PDX metro area including Vernonia, Newberg, Canby, and Troutdale
- salem = Salem metro area including Dallas, Corvallis, and Lebanon
- northcoast = Coastal areas west of Salem and Portland
- eugene = Western central Oregon including Waldport, Reedsport, Oakridge, and Sweet Home.
- southern = Southwestern areas including Coos Bay, Roseburg, Ashland, and Klamath Falls
- gorge = Central northern Oregon including Hood River, Maupin, and The Dalles
- central = Bend and surrounding areas
- eastern = everywhere else, the whole right side of the state