How Can We Help?
Confirming or Declining Event Appearances
Sometimes event hosts will send emails asking for updates; other times we proactively reach out to them to let them know whether or not we’ll be able to attend.
Track Event Status: Regularly check the events on the forum for things scheduled to happen within the next week or two. Bump topics as needed to solicit volunteers and make things happen. There’s no formula for deciding when to call off an event if nobody has signed up, so use your best judgment.
Updating Hosts: If an event host asks for an update and we don’t have enough people to confirm, bump the topic and reply to the host to let them know we’re still trying.
Declining an Event: If we don’t have enough people to make something happen, send a decline message to the event host. Apologize that we don’t have any available volunteers and suggest that they keep us in mind for future events.
Confirming an Event: If we have enough people to make something happen (at least 3+ signups who aren’t related to each other, because when one schedule changes, it tends to change for the whole family):
- Let them know that we will be there.
- Confirm arrival details. Ask, “Where should our folks go/who should they ask for when they arrive?”
- Confirm times. Tell the host when our folks will show up (arrival time) and when they’ll be in costume.
- Let the host know that their name and phone number (from the form they hopefully filled out) will be passed along to the volunteers attending the event. Ask for it if you don’t have it.
- Ask if there’s anything else we need to know.
- Update the post on our forum (or send a PM to the volunteers) with the host’s name and phone number along with any arrival details.
- If the event is public, post it on our SWO Facebook page so that our fans know about it and can make plans to attend.